Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Award atau PR?

Dapet PR eh Award nih dari Mbak Reni. Makasih ya Mbak... Mungkin bisa dikatakan PR, krn ada "pekerjaan" yang mengikuti award ini. Selama ini, suka males bikin PR dan majang award. Maaf ya, buat yg pernah ngasih award tapi PR nya nggak dikerjain. Nanti lagi, dikerjain deh.. (klo nggak males.. hehehe..)

Ini dia awardnya:

Dan ini dia PR nya....

Be a proud member of the International Bloggers Community!
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post.
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.
4. Answer the four questions following these Rules.
5. Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.
6. Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR
(Please do not change this link) at and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have Fun!

Questions and Your Answers :
1. Link the person who tagged you : Mbak Reni
2. His/her site : Catatan Kecilku
3. Date when you were tagged : April 16, 2009
4. Person you tagged e's title and url:

Mbak Kristin
Mbak Peni
Nia/Mama Ina
Mbak Astra
Mbak Retno


bongjun said...

waduh musim award belum berlalu,...xixixi salam kenal buniet dari penghuni planet aneh teman seperguruan mrpsycho blobank.hehehe

mommy adit said...

@bongjun: planet aneh? bukannya planet natuna?? salam kenal juga. Kayaknya award nggak akan pernah ada matinya deh.. mau juga awardnya? silahkan diambil atuh..

mrpsycho said...

Terima kasih awardnya,Mbak Niet ..semua award nanti dipajang deh kalo udah bikin rak awardnya xixixi

zee said...

Hai mbak,

Waah saya juga paling males klo pasang2 award.... tp tentunya berterimakasih dulu dong sama yang ngasih..

mommy adit said...

@mrpsycho: sama2..

@zee: klo gitu nggak akan nita kirimin award deh.. hihihihi..

lidya said...

malem teyh, kumaha damang?

Gee said...

hello anita, thanks for posting the International Bloggers Community tag. i've included you already in the masterlist here:

happy blogging!